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After a fall there is always that painful process of getting back up and then walking it out. Healing is a process. I've come to realize everything in life is pretty much a process. Life with Jesus isn't a simple life (Matthew 16:24). There are things that we go though in life that may not seem so glamorous. However, what I've realized is that in the ending it's always beautiful. In this season of my life I don't regreat this painful process. The battles in life just makes us a better person and causes us to rely completely on the holy spirit.

The Story where Peter denied Christ 3 times really spoke to me. A man who completely loves the Lord who said he wouldn't deny the Lord did. Now this is something he did to himself . However could you imagine the pain behind that. Denying the messiah when he's facing death… Think about that for a moment. We have all did something that we have regret in our lives. But the outcome was amazing (John 21:15) He begins to ask Peter "do you love me". Peter responding of course I love you Lord. And that’s when the Lord restored Peter and his ministry took off.

Even though we made a wreak of our lives, just know that its not over. It's not to late to allow the Lord to restore you. Whatever your facing at this moment, remember OUR GOD restores. Just lay down every burden at the feet of Jesus and surrender all. Choose Jesus above all else.


Matthew 16:24

Matthew 26:69-75

John 21:15-17

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